According to an article “Why dinosaur bones were the real nail in religion’s coffin,” people like me who actually believe the Bible are “superstitious” and believe in “myths.”1 This is an article that popped up on my internet search engine page. After accusing Bible believers of being superstitious, the article talks about “humankind’s move from superstition to science,” and goes on to do a lot of elephant hurling, mentioning Copernicus, the printing press, the enlightenment and scientific revolution, Isaac Newton, and Darwin’s Origin of the Species. Then the article elaborates on the discovery of dinosaur bones. Let us go through these one at a time:
Furthermore, discoveries of soft tissue and red blood cells found inside non-fossilized dinosaur bones show that dinosaurs lived relatively recently. The Darwinists understand this. That is why they fired Mark Armitage for publishing his findings of soft tissue in a triceratops horn.9
It was later that same day I saw another article pop up – “Misconceptions About Evolution – What Do People Get Wrong?” 10 The idea is that if people do not accept Darwinian evolution, it is because they just do not understand it. I was already familiar with every point that they made. I would agree that a lot of people do not really understand Darwinian evolution. But I would argue that is why so many people do accept it. If they really understood it, they would understand how implausible it is, and how it is just a way to explain things without God.
More importantly, my seeing this second article supporting Darwinian evolution right after seeing the first shows just how pervasive this worldview is. Yet, churches and church leaders are still unwilling to take this issue on and challenge Darwinian evolution – even when offered help. They refuse to even have a conversation on this. And we keep losing more and more people to the world.
I Peter 3:15 says: “Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.”11 I do not believe that means having some gospel presentation memorized. I believe it means really understanding what you believe, why you believe it, and being ready to answer someone else’s questions. You need to show people that you are not “superstitious.”
Terry Read