According to an article “Why dinosaur bones were the real nail in religion’s coffin,” people like me who actually believe the Bible are “superstitious” and believe in “myths.”1 This is an article that popped up on my internet search engine page. After accusing Bible believers of being superstitious, the article talks about “humankind’s move from superstition to science,” and goes on to do a lot of elephant hurling, mentioning Copernicus, the printing press, the enlightenment and scientific revolution, Isaac Newton,…..
Whoopi Goldberg has taken some heat for saying the holocaust was not about race. But was she right? As we who believe the biblical creation account keep pointing out, there is only one race – the human race. We are all descendants of Adam and Eve, and more recently Noah and his wife. We are all a part of the same human family. I am Whoopi’s distant cousin – whether I like it or not. “From one man he created…..
I am not a scientist doing research in the lab or the field. I am not a theologian. I am just a person who reads God’s word – yes, I said it – God’s word; and I make observations and connect dots. I recently came across an article in my e-mail at work: “Veterans, families, caregivers can boost blood supply, get $10 gift card.”1 The article stated that blood donations are needed to treat sickle cell disease. Sickle cell…..
I sometimes hear the question (always from Darwinists): “What is a Darwinist?” In a 2006 lecture given at the University of Michigan, Eugenie Scott, former head of the National Center for Science Education stated: “I am not a Darwinist. I don’t know what Darwinism is.” Well, if she does not know what a Darwinism is, how does she know that she is not a Darwinist? Then she rails against the terms “Darwinist” and “Darwinism,” saying that the term “Darwinism” is…..
For a long time, the Andy Griffith show was one of my favorite shows, although I do not catch it much now. But I remember having a question about something. The sheriff is the chief law enforcement official for the county, and is elected. And the mayor is the chief executive for the city, and is also elected. So why was Sheriff Taylor reporting to the mayor of Mayberry? While looking at various YouTube videos, I found an interesting one…..
Science Is Only 2,900 Years Behind the Bible! Recently when my son Joshua got into the Kia, he started raising the window up and lowering it just to play with it. I told him not to do that, as it will wear the motor out in the window. He did not understand that. So I explained to him that is how things work. I explained to him that it is the second law of thermodynamics. Specifically, the second law of…..
My family and I were three of the millions of Texas residents impacted by the February 2021 winter storm. We knew that cold weather and even snow were coming. Rolling blackouts did not surprise me. We have had them before. What was different was the amount of time that the power was off compared to the amount of time that the power was on. My family was fortunate compared to a lot of people. One lady that I talked to…..
First, I would like to start out my article with a side note. If you are sensitive to it, you notice in our society how much the Lord’s name is used as an expletive. This nation went through a very difficult 2020. Rather than using the Lord’s name as an expletive, let us use His name to call upon Him for mercy and forgiveness. That is what President Zachary Taylor did during the cholera pandemic in 1849.1 Let us…..
A popular Christmas song is the “Twelve Days of Christmas.” Our church has its own lyrics to the twelve days of Christmas. The gift on the first day of Christmas is “Jesus Christ our Lord.” The gifts on the second day of Christmas are “Two Testaments and Jesus Christ our Lord.” This biblical theme continues for all twelve days. But the Darwinists have their version – “The 12 Days of Evolution,” hosted by Joe Hanson, on the series it’s OKAY…..
In the article “The evolution train’s a-comin’, ”1 Carl Wieland brilliantly exposes the flaws of an article by Jerry Coyne “The case of the missing carpaccio.”2 The article by Jerry Coyne is actually a review of the book – The Evolution Explosion: How Humans Cause Rapid Evolutionary Change – by Stephen R. Palumbi. Coyne states: Many who reject darwinism on religious grounds already accept anthropogenic evolution as ‘adaptation within a species’, but argue that such small changes cannot explain the evolution…..